Reference Source

GamepadManager Module

GamepadManager is a Javascript library that provides an easy way to handle input from game controllers. It is designed to work with the Gamepad API, which is a browser API that provides access to gamepad devices. This library is useful for games and other applications that require input from a game controller.


ES Module

import { GamepadManager } from './gamepad.mjs';

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)

<script src="gamepad.js"></script>;
// ...


Handles input from multiple game controllers simultaneously. Supports all types of game controllers supported by the Gamepad API, including Bluetooth controllers. Provides an easy-to-use API for accessing input from game controllers. Includes event handlers for detecting when game controllers are connected or disconnected. Supports remapping of controller buttons to match different controller layouts.


The GamepadManager object provides several methods for accessing input from game controllers. For example, you can get the main controller like this:

var controller = GamepadManager.getMainController();

You can also get a list of all connected controllers like this:

var controllers = GamepadManager.getControllers();

The GamepadManager object also includes event handlers for detecting when game controllers are connected or disconnected. For example, to handle the "connect" event, you can use the following code:

GamepadManager.on('connect', function(pController) {
    // Do something when a controller is connected.
    pController.on('press', (pButtonName, pValue, pRepeat) => {
        // Do something when a controller presses a button
    }).on('release', (pButtonName, pValue) => {
        // Do something when a controller releases a button
    }).on('axis', (pAxisName, pValue, pAngle, pRepeat) => {
        // Do something when a controller moves its analogs
    }).on('grab', (pAnalogName) => {
        // Do something when an analog is touched or moved from the "drop off zone" (center position)
    }).on('drop', (pAnalogName) => {
        // Do something when an analog is not being touched anymore or has been moved to the "drop off zone" (center position)

    pController.vibrate('dual-rumble', 0, 1000, 1, 1); // Vibrate the controller with customizable settings
    pController.isLeftAnalogHeld(); // Returns a boolean
    pController.isRightAnalogHeld(); // Returns a boolean
    pController.isButtonPressed('A'); // Returns a boolean
    pController.getType(); // Returns the type this controller is. PC / PS / Xbox/ Android

GamepadManager.on('disconnect', function(pController) {
    // Do something when a controller is disconnected.


GamepadManager is free software, available under the terms of a MIT style License.


GamepadManager was created by doubleactii.



Currently, Bluetooth gamepads when disconnecting (PS4 only) do not fire a disconnected event. Manually calling this.gamepad.vibrationActuator.reset() can force it to call a disconnect event, but this is a messy way of checking each tick to see if the gamepad is still connected. It also will cancel ongoing vibrations. A fix needs to be found. (This is a GamepadAPI issue/OS issue/not a code-wise issue)

Global Dependency

Gamepad relies on the VYLO variable being globally accessible.