Reference Source
private class | source


You can directly use an instance of this class. Lens


  • Create test project

Static Member Summary

Static Private Members
private static

An array of axis.

private static

The default ease.

private static

The default pan duration.

private static

The default tile size of the Vylocity Game Engine.

private static

The max amount of delta time between ticks.

private static

The max display an instance can be displayed at.

private static

An array of valid ease names.

Constructor Summary

Private Constructor

Member Summary

Public Members

The camera that lens controls.


version: *

The version of the module.

Private Members

Whether the camera is attached to something and will follow it.


If this camera is using custom settings currently.


The current instance this camera is following.


Whether the camera has been created and is ready for use or not.


Weakmap to track data belonging to instances used in this module.


The logger module this module uses to log errors / logs.


Whether the mapview has been initialized.


The old position that the camera was following in the last tick.


The settings this camera uses to operate.


A callback to be called when the camera is updated.

Method Summary

Public Methods

attach(pInstance: Object, pSettings: Object, pUpdateFunc: Function)

Attaches the camera to the passed instance.


Stops spectating.



Detaches the camera.


Check if the camera is currently moving.


Check if the camera is currently panning.


Check if the camera is currently shaking.


Check if the camera is currently spectating.


Check if the camera is currently zooming.


pan(pSettings: Object)

Pans the camera from one view to another view.


setSettings(pSettings: Object)

Sets the camera to operate using these user defined settings.


shake(pIntensity: number, pDuration: number, pRotational: boolean, pCallback: Function)

Shakes the camera with the passed settings.


spectate(pSettings: Object)

Spectates another instance with the camera using the passed settings.


zoom(pDestinationLevel: Object, pDuration: number, pEase: Object, pCallback: Function)

Zooms the camera in via the passed in arguments.

Private Methods

follow(pMethod: string, pElapsedMS: number)

Method to follow the target of the camera.


followLogic(pAxis: string, pPosition: Object, pMethod: string, pElapsedMS: number)

The logic for following instances via the camera.


Returns the true center position by using the x and y position and adding half of the icon's width / height. If no icon is found, we instead use the half of the default tileSize.


Builds and initiates the camera and assigns some presets to it


Event handler for when the second part of the pan completes.


Event handler for when the first part of the pan completes.


reset(pMethod: string)

Resets the camera based on the method passed.


shakeUpdate(pElapsedMS: number)

The method to update shaking when it is active.


update(pElapsedMS: number)

Update handler that is called each tick to update the camera's state


zoomUpdate(pElapsedMS: number)

The method to update the zoom when it is active.

Static Private Members

private static AXIS: Array source

An array of axis.

private static DEFAULT_EASE: string source

The default ease.

private static DEFAULT_PAN_DURATION: number source

The default pan duration. Used as default.

private static DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE: number source

The default tile size of the Vylocity Game Engine.

private static MAX_DELTA_TIME: number source

The max amount of delta time between ticks. If this limit is passed, it will be clamped to this value.

private static MAX_DISPLAY: number source

The max display an instance can be displayed at.

private static validEase: Array source

An array of valid ease names.

Private Constructors

private constructor() source

Public Members

public camera: Object source

The camera that lens controls.

public version: * source

The version of the module.

Private Members

private attached: boolean source

Whether the camera is attached to something and will follow it.

private custom: boolean source

If this camera is using custom settings currently.

private following: Object source

The current instance this camera is following.

private initialized: boolean source

Whether the camera has been created and is ready for use or not.

private instanceWeakMap: WeakMap source

Weakmap to track data belonging to instances used in this module.

private logger: Object source

The logger module this module uses to log errors / logs.

private mapViewInitialized: boolean source

Whether the mapview has been initialized.

private oldFollowingPos: Object source

The old position that the camera was following in the last tick.

private settings: Object source

The settings this camera uses to operate.

private updateWithCamera(-: number, -: number): Function | undefined source

A callback to be called when the camera is updated.

Public Methods

public attach(pInstance: Object, pSettings: Object, pUpdateFunc: Function) source

Attaches the camera to the passed instance.


pInstance Object

The instance to attach the camera to

pSettings Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.duration Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.duration.x number

The duration of the ease in the x dimension.

pSettings.duration.y number

The duration of the ease in the y dimension.

pSettings.ease Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.ease.x string

The ease to use in the x dimension.

pSettings.ease.y string

The ease to use in the y dimension.

pUpdateFunc Function

A callback that will be called when the camera is updated. pDiffX and pDiffY params are the difference in position between the last tick.

public cancelSpectate() source

Stops spectating. If the setting 'forcePos' was set. Then the camera will immedietly jump to the original camera target.

public detach() source

Detaches the camera. The camera is no longer the view eye.

public isMoving(): boolean source

Check if the camera is currently moving.



True if panning, false otherwise.

public isPanning(): boolean source

Check if the camera is currently panning.



True if panning, false otherwise.

public isShaking(): boolean source

Check if the camera is currently shaking.



True if shaking, false otherwise.

public isSpectating(): boolean source

Check if the camera is currently spectating.



True if spectating, false otherwise.

public isZooming(): boolean source

Check if the camera is currently zooming.



True if zooming, false otherwise.

public pan(pSettings: Object) source

Pans the camera from one view to another view. This pan can be customized in both axis. This pan has callbacks and settings that allow further customization.


pSettings Object

A Object holding settings that control this pan. Object

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.ease Object

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.ease.x string

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.ease.y string

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.panBackEase Object

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.panBackEase.x string

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.panBackEase.y string

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.duration Object

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.duration.x number

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.duration.y number

A Object holding settings that control this pan.

pSettings.panBackDuration Object

A Object holding settings that control the duration of the pan.

pSettings.panBackDuration.x number

The duration of the ease in the x dimension.

pSettings.panBackDuration.y number

The duration of the ease in the y dimension.

pSettings.pauseDuration number

How long the camera will stay at the target after panning to it before completing the pan.

pSettings.attach boolean

Whether or not to attach the camera to the target when the pan to it is completed. This automatically forfeits the panBack nature of this and no panBack callback will be called.

pSettings.forceDirChange boolean

Whether panning to a target changes your direction to face the target.

pSettings.panToCallback Function

Callback function to be called when the pan to the target is completed.

pSettings.panBackCallback Function

Callback function to be called when the pan from the target back to the camera's target is completed.

public setSettings(pSettings: Object) source

Sets the camera to operate using these user defined settings.


pSettings Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.duration Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.duration.x number

The duration of the ease in the x dimension.

pSettings.duration.y number

The duration of the ease in the y dimension.

pSettings.ease Object

An object that holds settings for how the canera will behave.

pSettings.ease.x string

The ease to use in the x dimension.

pSettings.ease.y string

The ease to use in the y dimension.

public shake(pIntensity: number, pDuration: number, pRotational: boolean, pCallback: Function) source

Shakes the camera with the passed settings.


pIntensity number

The intensity of the shaking effect. 0 - 100

pDuration number

The duration of the shaking effect in ms.

pRotational boolean

Whether the shaking consists of rotational shaking as well.

pCallback Function

Callback function to call when the shaking is completed.

public spectate(pSettings: Object) source

Spectates another instance with the camera using the passed settings. If the location is over 1000m(pixels) away then the camera will automatically jump to that position no matter if forcePos is toggled or not.


pSettings Object

Settings to control the spectate Object

The instance to spectate

pSettings.forcePos boolean

If the camera should spectate instantly without easing to the location.


  • Allow to also be a coordinate position, this will send the camera to that space and spectate that position.

public zoom(pDestinationLevel: Object, pDuration: number, pEase: Object, pCallback: Function) source

Zooms the camera in via the passed in arguments.


pDestinationLevel Object

An object containing the zoom level information.

pDestinationLevel.x number

The x scale to zoom to.

pDestinationLevel.y number

The y scale to zoom to.

pDuration number

The duration of the zoom.

pEase Object

An object containing the ease information for how the zoom will be performed.

pEase.x string

The ease to use for the x scale zooming.

pEase.y string

The ease to use for the y scale zooming.

pCallback Function

The callback to call after the zoom ends.

Private Methods

private follow(pMethod: string, pElapsedMS: number) source

Method to follow the target of the camera.


pMethod string

The method in which the camera is following.

pElapsedMS number

The amount of ms that has passed since the last tick.

private followLogic(pAxis: string, pPosition: Object, pMethod: string, pElapsedMS: number) source

The logic for following instances via the camera.


pAxis string

'x' | 'y'. The axis to handle the logic in.

pPosition Object

The centered position of the target.

pMethod string

The method the camera is using to follow.

pElapsedMS number

The elapsed time since the last tick.

private getTrueCenterPos(pInstance: Object): Object source

Returns the true center position by using the x and y position and adding half of the icon's width / height. If no icon is found, we instead use the half of the default tileSize.


pInstance Object

The instance to get the true center position of.



Object containing the true center position of the instance.

private initCamera() source

Builds and initiates the camera and assigns some presets to it

private onPanFinish() source

Event handler for when the second part of the pan completes.

private onPanned() source

Event handler for when the first part of the pan completes.

private onShakeEnd() source

private onZoomEnd() source

private reset(pMethod: string) source

Resets the camera based on the method passed.


pMethod string

The method to reset.

private shakeUpdate(pElapsedMS: number) source

The method to update shaking when it is active.


pElapsedMS number

The amount of ms that has passed since the last tick.

private update(pElapsedMS: number) source

Update handler that is called each tick to update the camera's state


pElapsedMS number

The amount of ms that has passed since the last tick

private zoomUpdate(pElapsedMS: number) source

The method to update the zoom when it is active.


pElapsedMS number

The amount of ms that has passed since the last tick.