import { Tween } from './vendor/tween.min.mjs';
import { Utils } from './vendor/utils.min.mjs';
import { MobileHandler } from './mobile-handler.mjs'
* When using a controller that is of the traversal type, or the static type
* a zone is REQUIRED. Only two controllers of traversal or static or one of each can be used at a time.
* These controllers have to have opposing zones. Left | Right
* Traversal: spawns at the touch position and when dragged, follows the finger across the screen
* Static: spawns at the touch position, cannot move from that location, just updates the joystick and will clamp at its limit
* Stationary: cannot move from it's position at all, will just update the joystick and clamp it at its limit, can be pressed from anywhere on screen.
export class Controller {
* The maximum layer
* @private
* @type {number}
static MAX_LAYER = 1999998;
* A reference to the tween instance this controller uses to tween the alpha when it becomes inactive.
* This reference is so that developers can pause this tween and resume it when needed.
* Calling this.tween.pause() and this.tween.resume() for instance when pausing and unpausing the game.
* @private
* @type {Tween}
tween = new Tween();
* The joyring element of this controller.
* @private
* @type {Object}
joyring = null;
* The joystick element of this controller.
* @private
* @type {Object}
joystick = null;
* The version of the module.
* The options of this controller.
* @private
* @property {Object} options - The options of this controller.
* @property {string} options.type - The way this controller will behave. stationary | traversal | static.
* @property {number} options.size - The width/height of the joystick. The width & height of the joystick should be the same.
* @property {Object} options.position - The initial position of the joystick.
* @property {string} options.position.x - The initial x position of the joystick.
* @property {string} options.position.y - The initial y position of the joystick.
* @property {string} options.lockedDimension - The locked dimension of the joystick. both | vertical | horizontal. This is used to lock the joystick from moving in certain dimensions. If this joystick's type is traversal it cannot be locked.
* @property {string} - The zone the joystick will occupy. If there is already a controller of the traversal or static type, then you must use a zone. If there is only one controller no zone is needed. left | right This will give each controller equal space on the left | right sides of the screen.
* @property {number} options.inactiveAlpha - The alpha value the joystick will be when it is considered to be inactive.
* @property {number} options.transitionTime - How long it takes in ms to transition to the inactiveAlpha value.
* @property {number} options.scale - The scale you want the joystick controller to be.
* @property {number} options.plane - The plane of the joystick controller.
* @property {number} options.layer - The layer of the joystick controller.
* @property {string} options.atlasName - The atlasName of the joystick.
* @property {string} options.joystickIconName - The iconName of the joystick.
* @property {string} options.joyringIconName - The iconName of the joyring.
* @property {Object} options.callback - An object holding options callbacks to attach to events the joystick emits.
* @property {Function} options.callback.onTouchBegin - Callback to be called when the joystick is touched after being released.
* @property {Function} options.callback.onRelease - Callback to be called when the joystick is released and no longer held.
* @property {Function} options.callback.onMove - Callback to be called when the joystick is moved.
* @type {Object}
options = null;
* The locked dimension of the joystick. both | vertical | horizontal. This is used to lock the joystick from moving in certain dimensions. If this joystick's type is traversal it cannot be locked.
* @private
* @type {string}
lockedDimension = null;
* The zone the joystick will occupy. If there is already a controller of the traversal or static type, then you must use a zone. If there is only one controller no zone is needed. left | right This will give each controller equal space on the left | right sides of the screen.
* @private
* @type {string}
zone = null;
* Whether this controller is active in zone. e.g the controller is zoned to the left, and the user taps on the left side of the screen.
* @private
* @type {boolean}
activeInZone = false;
* The fingerID that is controlling the joystick.
* @private
* @type {number}
controllingFinger = null;
* Whether this controller is active
* @private
* @type {boolean}
active = false;
* Event function for when the joystick is released.
* @private
* @type {Function}
onRelease = null;
* Event function for when the joystick is moved.
* @private
* @type {Function}
onMove = null;
* @private
constructor(pOptions) {;
* @private
* Setup the controller with the options that this controller class instance has from being initiated
setup() {
// Setup the joyring element
this.joyring.atlasName = this.options.atlasName;
this.joyring.iconName = this.options.joyringIconName;
this.joyring.touchOpacity = MobileHandler.constructor.MULTI_TOUCH;
this.joyring.interfaceType = 'default';
this.joyring.color = { 'tint': 0xFFFFFF };
this.joyring.scale = 1;
this.joyring.anchor = { 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5 };
this.joyring.plane = this.options.plane;
this.joyring.layer = this.options.layer;
this.joyring.width = this.options.size;
this.joyring.height = this.options.size;
this.joyring.halfSize = this.joyring.width / 2;
this.joyring.child = this.joystick;
this.joyring.isMobileHandlerController = true;
this.joyring.originalPos = { 'x': this.options.position.x, 'y': this.options.position.y };
// Setup the joystick element
this.joystick.atlasName = this.options.atlasName;
this.joystick.iconName = this.options.joystickIconName;
this.joystick.touchOpacity = MobileHandler.constructor.NO_TOUCH;
this.joystick.interfaceType = 'default';
this.joystick.color = { 'tint': 0xFFFFFF };
this.joystick.scale = 1;
this.joystick.anchor = { 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5 };
this.joystick.startPos = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 };
this.joystick.width = this.options.size / 2;
this.joystick.height = this.options.size / 2;
this.joystick.plane = this.options.plane;
// The inner ring must be layered above the outer ring
this.joystick.layer = this.options.layer + 1;
this.joystick.anglePoint = 0;
this.joystick.halfSize = this.joystick.width / 2;
this.joystick.parent = this.joyring;
this.joystick.originalPos = { 'x': this.joyring.originalPos.x + this.joystick.halfSize, 'y': this.joyring.originalPos.y + this.joystick.halfSize };
// Keep references to this joystick
this.joyring.controller = this;
this.joystick.controller = this;
// Assign event funcs
this.joyring.onTouchBegin = this.options.callback.onTouchBegin;
this.onRelease = this.options.callback.onRelease;
this.onMove = this.options.callback.onMove;
// Assign locked status
this.lockedDimension = this.options.lockedDimension;
// Create the joystick and joyring elements
VYLO.Client.addInterfaceElement(this.joyring, MobileHandler.interfaceHandle,;
VYLO.Client.addInterfaceElement(this.joystick, MobileHandler.interfaceHandle,;
// Show interface
if (!VYLO.Client.checkInterfaceShown(MobileHandler.interfaceHandle)) {
// Track this controller
* Tweens the controller to it's inactive alpha preset, or from it's inactive value preset to full alpha.
* @private
* @param {boolean} pFade - Whether to fade the joystick to it's inactive alpha preset
handleTransition(pFade) {
let start = { 'alpha': this.joyring.alpha };
let end;
const duration = this.options.transitionTime;
const easing = Tween.easeInOutQuad;
if (this.options.inactiveAlpha || this.options.inactiveAlpha === 0) {
// Stop any ongoing tween animation
// Determine which direction the fade should go in
end = pFade ? { 'alpha': this.options.inactiveAlpha } : { 'alpha': 1 };
// Makes no sense to tween a animation if the start and end value is the same
if (start.alpha === end.alpha) return;
// Animate the transition{
}).animate(({ alpha }) => {
this.joyring.alpha = alpha;
this.joystick.alpha = alpha;
* Resets the joystick to default.
* @private
* @param {*} pSoft - Softly resets the joystick in the event it is hidden
reset(pSoft) {
const angle = this.joystick.anglePoint;
this.joystick.alpha = this.options.inactiveAlpha;
this.joystick.startPos.x = this.joystick.startPos.y = 0;
this.joystick.anglePoint = 0;
this.joyring.layer = this.options.layer;
this.joystick.layer = this.options.layer + 10;
this.activeInZone = false;
this.controllingFinger = null;
if ( { = false;
if (typeof(this.onRelease) === 'function') {
this.onRelease(VYLO.Client, angle);
if (!pSoft) {
this.onRelease = null;
this.onMove = null;
this.joyring.onTouchBegin = null;
if ( {
if (MobileHandler.reservedScreenZones.includes( {
MobileHandler.reservedScreenZones.splice(MobileHandler.reservedScreenZones.indexOf(, 1);
if ( === 'left' || === 'right') {
MobileHandler.zonedControllers[] = null;
} = null;
this.lockedDimension = null;
this.options = {};
if (MobileHandler.touchedInstances.includes(this.joyring)) {
MobileHandler.touchedInstances.splice(MobileHandler.touchedInstances.indexOf(this.joyring), 1);
* Builds this controller with the options that were passed in.
* @param {Object} pOptions - The options of this controller.
* @param {string} pOptions.type - The way this controller will behave. stationary | traversal | static.
* @param {number} pOptions.size - The width/height of the joystick. The width & height of the joystick should be the same. The inner ring will be 50% of this size.
* @param {Object} pOptions.position - The initial position of the joystick.
* @param {string} pOptions.position.x - The initial x position of the joystick.
* @param {string} pOptions.position.y - The initial y position of the joystick.
* @param {string} pOptions.lockedDimension - The locked dimension of the joystick. both | vertical | horizontal. This is used to lock the joystick from moving in certain dimensions. If this joystick's type is traversal it cannot be locked.
* @param {string} - The zone the joystick will occupy. If there is already a controller of the traversal or static type, then you must use a zone. If there is only one controller no zone is needed. left | right This will give each controller equal space on the left / right sides of the screen.
* @param {number} pOptions.inactiveAlpha - The alpha value the joystick will be when it is considered to be inactive.
* @param {number} pOptions.transitionTime - How long it takes in ms to transition to the inactiveAlpha value.
* @param {number} pOptions.scale - The scale you want the joystick controller to be.
* @param {number} pOptions.plane - The plane of the joystick controller.
* @param {number} pOptions.layer - The layer of the joystick controller.
* @param {string} pOptions.atlasName - The atlasName of the joystick.
* @param {string} pOptions.joystickIconName - The iconName of the joystick.
* @param {string} pOptions.joyringIconName - The iconName of the joyring.
* @param {Object} pOptions.callback - An object holding options callbacks to attach to events the joystick emits.
* @param {Function} pOptions.callback.onTouchBegin - Callback to be called when the joystick is touched after being released.
* @param {Function} pOptions.callback.onRelease - Callback to be called when the joystick is released and no longer held.
* @param {Function} pOptions.callback.onMove - Callback to be called when the joystick is moved.
build(pOptions = { 'type': 'stationary', 'size': 100, 'position': { 'x': 100, 'y': 100 }, 'lockedDimension': null, 'zone': null, 'inactiveAlpha': 0.5, 'transitionTime': 500, 'scale': 1, 'plane': 1, 'layer': 1, 'atlasName': '', 'joystickIconName': '', 'joyringIconName': '', 'callback': { 'onTouchBegin': null, 'onRelease': null, 'onMove': null } }) {
if (!this.joyring && !this.joystick) {
const joyring = VYLO.newDiob('Interface');
const joystick = VYLO.newDiob('Interface');
this.joyring = joyring;
this.joystick = joystick;
if (!Number.isInteger(pOptions.size)) {
pOptions.size = 100;
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.size was not an integer. Default value of 100 has been used.');
// the type of the controller
if (typeof(pOptions.type) === 'string') {
if (pOptions.type !== 'traversal' && pOptions.type !== 'static' && pOptions.type !== 'stationary') {
pOptions.type = 'stationary';
} else {
pOptions.type = 'stationary';
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.type was not a string. Default value of stationary has been used.');
if (pOptions.type === 'traversal' || pOptions.type === 'static') {
// if there is already a controller taking up a space, then you must use a zone. If there is no controller, then the entire screen is the zone
// do not define a zone if you know this controller will be the only controller on screen
if (MobileHandler.reservedScreenZones.length) {
if (! || typeof( !== 'string' || MobileHandler.reservedScreenZones.includes( {
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').error('When using a controller that is of the traversal type, or the static type. A zone is REQUIRED. Only two controllers of traversal or static or one of each can be used at a time. These controllers have to have opposing zones. Left | Right');
if ( === 'left' || === 'right') {
MobileHandler.zonedControllers[] = this; =;
if (typeof(pOptions.atlasName) !== 'string') {
pOptions.atlasName = '';
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.atlasName was not a string. No value has been used.');
// If the type is traversal it cannot be locked
if (pOptions.lockedDimension) {
if (pOptions.type === 'traversal') {
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.type is traversal. A traversal controller cannot be locked.');
} else if (typeof(pOptions.lockedDimension) !== 'string' || (pOptions.lockedDimension !== 'both' && pOptions.lockedDimension !== 'vertical' && pOptions.lockedDimension !== 'horizontal')) {
pOptions.lockedDimension = null;
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('Invalid value for pOptions.lockedDimension has been passed. No value has been set.');
if (typeof(pOptions.joystickIconName) !== 'string') {
pOptions.joystickIconName = '';
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.joystickIconName was not a string. No value has been used.');
if (typeof(pOptions.joyringIconName) !== 'string') {
pOptions.joyringIconName = '';
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('pOptions.joyringIconName was not a string. No value has been used.');
// the plane this controller will use
if (typeof(pOptions.transitionTime) !== 'number') {
pOptions.transitionTime = 500;
if (typeof(pOptions.inactiveAlpha) !== 'number') {
pOptions.inactiveAlpha = 0.5;
// Feature coming soon
if (!Number.isInteger(pOptions.scale)) {
pOptions.scale = 1;
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('A non integer value was found in option for scale. Default scale of 1 has been used.');
if (typeof(pOptions.plane) !== 'number') {
pOptions.plane = 1;
if (typeof(pOptions.layer) !== 'number') {
pOptions.layer = 1;
if (pOptions.position.constructor === Object) {
if (!Number.isInteger(pOptions.position.x)) {
pOptions.position.x = 100;
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('position.x variable found in options was not a number. Default position.x value has been used.');
if (!Number.isInteger(pOptions.position.y)) {
pOptions.position.y = 100;
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('position.y variable found in options was not a number. Default position.y value has been used.');
} else {
pOptions.position = { 'x': 100, 'y': 100 };
MobileHandler.logger.prefix('MobileHandler-Module').warn('position variable found in options was not an object. Default position has been used.');
this.options = pOptions;
* Returns the type of this controller.
* @returns Returns the type of this controller.
getType() {
return this.options.type;
* Updates the controllers position with the latest information from touch events
* @private
* @param {number} pX - The x position on the screen where the user tapped.
* @param {number} pY - The y position on the screen where the user tapped.
* @param {boolean} pTouchStart - If this was the first time the joystick was touched.
* @returns
update(pX, pY, pTouchStart) {
if (this.lockedDimension === 'both') return;
if (pTouchStart) {
this.joyring.layer = Controller.MAX_LAYER;
this.joystick.layer = Controller.MAX_LAYER + 10; = true;
if ( {
// traversal: spawns at the touch position and when dragged, follows the finger across the screen
// static: spawns at the touch position, cannot move from that location, just updates the joystick and will clamp at its limit
// stationary: cannot move from it's position at all, will just update the joystick and clamp it at its limit, can be pressed from anywhere on screen.
const touchPos = { 'x': pX - this.joystick.halfSize, 'y': pY - this.joystick.halfSize };
// Start position is always the center of the joyring
let startPos;
// Distance is how far away the joystick is from the start position
let distance;
// Angle is the angle in degrees from the start position to the touched position
let angle;
// ClampedDistance is the max distance allowed for the joystick to move
let clampedDistance;
// ClampedPos is the position that was clamped when the joystick tried to go past it's clampedDistance
let clampedPos;
if (this.options.type === 'stationary') {
// This joystick is stationary therefore the start position is it's default position
startPos = this.joystick.originalPos;
// If a certain axis is locked, clamp that position to it's start position
if (this.lockedDimension === 'horizontal') {
touchPos.y = startPos.y;
} else if (this.lockedDimension === 'vertical') {
touchPos.x = startPos.x;
distance = Utils.getDistance(startPos, touchPos);
angle = Utils.getAngle(startPos, touchPos);
clampedDistance = Math.min(distance, this.joyring.halfSize);
clampedPos = Utils.calculateNewPositionFromDistanceAndAngle(startPos, clampedDistance, angle);
// Set the position to the clamped position so that it is locked to it's clampedPos
this.joystick.setPos(clampedPos.x, clampedPos.y);
} else if (this.options.type === 'traversal' || this.options.type === 'static') {
// Position the joystick centered to the position of where the screen was touched if this is the first time touching the joystick
if (pTouchStart) {
this.joystick.startPos = touchPos;
this.joyring.setPos(touchPos.x - this.joystick.halfSize, touchPos.y - this.joystick.halfSize);
this.joystick.setPos(touchPos.x, touchPos.y);
if (this.options.type === 'traversal') {
// The start position for traversal is wherever you pressed on the screen originally
// The start position was set in the `pTouchStart` portion
distance = Utils.getDistance(this.joystick.startPos, touchPos);
angle = Utils.getAngle(this.joystick.startPos, touchPos);
clampedDistance = Math.min(distance, this.joyring.halfSize);
clampedPos = Utils.calculateNewPositionFromDistanceAndAngle(this.joystick.startPos, clampedDistance, angle);
// Set the position to the position touched
this.joystick.setPos(touchPos.x, touchPos.y);
// Update the parent to follow the child after it is placed
const parentAngle = Utils.getAngle(touchPos, this.joystick.startPos);
const parentClampedPos = Utils.calculateNewPositionFromDistanceAndAngle(touchPos, clampedDistance, parentAngle);
this.joyring.setPos(parentClampedPos.x - this.joystick.halfSize, parentClampedPos.y - this.joystick.halfSize);
// If the distance is greater that the clamped position then we need to update the start position of the joystick
if (distance > clampedDistance) {
this.joystick.startPos.x = this.joyring.xPos + this.joystick.halfSize;
this.joystick.startPos.y = this.joyring.yPos + this.joystick.halfSize;
} else if (this.options.type === 'static') {
// The start position for static is wherever you pressed on the screen originally
// The start position set in the `pTouchStart` portion
// If a certain axis is locked, clamp that position to it's start position
if (this.lockedDimension === 'horizontal') {
touchPos.y = this.joystick.startPos.y;
} else if (this.lockedDimension === 'vertical') {
touchPos.x = this.joystick.startPos.x;
distance = Utils.getDistance(this.joystick.startPos, touchPos);
angle = Utils.getAngle(this.joystick.startPos, touchPos);
clampedDistance = Math.min(distance, this.joyring.halfSize);
clampedPos = Utils.calculateNewPositionFromDistanceAndAngle(this.joystick.startPos, clampedDistance, angle);
// Set the position to the clamped position so that it is locked
this.joystick.setPos(clampedPos.x, clampedPos.y);
// Set the angle point for reading (-1 is to convert it for use in an environment where up is down, and down is up)
this.joystick.anglePoint = Utils.convertRaWAngleToVyloCoords(angle);
// Calculate a threshold based on a percentage of the joystick's size
const thresholdPercentage = 0.1; // Adjust this value based on your preference
const centerThreshold = this.joyring.width * thresholdPercentage;
// Check if the joystick is in the center
const inCenter = (Math.abs(clampedDistance) < centerThreshold);
// We need to get the starting position of the joystick, but in different types this can be different so we get the proper one based on the type.
const startingPos = (this.options.type === 'stationary' ? startPos : this.joystick.startPos);
// Get a normalized range of the position of the joystick to pass as analog values
const normalizedX = Utils.normalizeRanged(startingPos.x, touchPos.x - this.joyring.halfSize, touchPos.x + this.joyring.halfSize);
const normalizedY = Utils.normalizeRanged(startingPos.y, touchPos.y - this.joyring.halfSize, touchPos.y + this.joyring.halfSize);
// Check if the joystick is in the center
if (typeof(this.onMove) === 'function') {
this.onMove(VYLO.Client, normalizedX, normalizedY, this.joystick.anglePoint, inCenter);
* API called when this joystick is released
* @private
* @param {boolean} pForce - If this was a forced release. Called progamatically.
release(pForce) {
if (this.lockedDimension === 'both') return;
if (!pForce) {
// Reset the position to the default position
this.joyring.setPos(this.joyring.originalPos.x, this.joyring.originalPos.y);
this.joystick.setPos(this.joystick.originalPos.x, this.joystick.originalPos.y);
* Locks a joystick from moving in a certain dimension or both
* @param {string} pDimension - The dimension to lock. both | vertical | horizontal
lock(pDimension) {
if (pDimension) {
pDimension = pDimension.toLowerCase();
if (typeof(pDimension) === 'string') {
if (pDimension === 'horizontal') {
this.lockedDimension = 'horizontal';
} else if (pDimension === 'vertical') {
this.lockedDimension = 'vertical';
} else {
this.lockedDimension = 'both';
* Unlocks the joystick from being locked in the passed dimension.
* @param {string} pDimension - The dimension to unlock. both | vertical | horizontal
unlock(pDimension) {
if (pDimension) {
pDimension = pDimension.toLowerCase();
if (typeof(pDimension) === 'string') {
if (pDimension === 'horizontal') {
if (this.lockedDimension === 'both') {
this.lockedDimension = 'vertical';
} else {
this.lockedDimension = null;
} else if (pDimension === 'vertical') {
if (this.lockedDimension === 'both') {
this.lockedDimension = 'horizontal';
} else {
this.lockedDimension = null;
} else {
this.lockedDimension = null;
* Returns the components that make up this controller. Which are the joystick element, and the joyring element.
* @returns {Object} - An object containing references to the joytick and the joyring that makeup this controller.
getComponents() {
return { 'joystick': this.joystick, 'joyring': this.joyring };
* Hides this controller
hide() {
* Shows this controller
show() {
this.joyring.setPos(this.joyring.originalPos.x, this.joyring.originalPos.y);
this.joystick.setPos(this.joystick.originalPos.x, this.joystick.originalPos.y);;;