import { Logger } from './vendor/logger.min.mjs';
import { Layer } from './layer.mjs'
class ParallaxSingleton {
* The version of the module.
/** The logger module this module uses to log errors / logs
* @private
* @type {Object}
logger = new Logger();
* The layer class.
* @type {Layer}
Layer = Layer;
* An set of instances that use the parallax system.
* @private
* @type {Set}
instances = new Set();
* Weakmap to store info on instances used in this module.
* @private
* @type {WeakMap}
instanceWeakMap = new WeakMap();
* The last position of the camera.
* @private
* @type {Object}
lastCamPos = {
x: 0,
y: 0
* @private
constructor() {
this.logger.registerType('Parallax-Module', '#ff6600');
* Adds an instance to the parallax system.
* Call this first and then add your instance to the map.
* @param {Object} pInstance - The instance to add to the parallax system.
* @param {Object} pConfig - The parallax info that tells this module how to control this instance.
* @prop {number} pConfig.x - The x multiplier for this instance. Controls how fast or slow this instance moves. -Infinity to Infinity. 1 to move with camera.
* @prop {number} pConfig.y - The y multiplier for this instance. Controls how fast or slow this instance moves. -Infinity to Infinity. 1 to move with camera.
* @prop {boolean} pConfig.loop - Whether this instance will loop endlessly.
* @param {number} [pX] - The x position this instance will start at.
* @param {number} [pY] - The y position this instance will start at.
* @param {string} [pMap] - The map this instance will start at.
* ## The following is how the speed of the parallax multipliers are factored in.
(x | y) < 1 = faster behind the camera eg: (-> Player goes this way = Instance goes this way <-)
(x | y) > 1 faster against the camera eg: (-> Player goes this way = Instance goes this way ->)
(x | y) = 0 = static to the camera eg: (-> Player goes this way = Instance does nothing, and moves with the camera)
(x | y) = 1 = moves with the camera eg: (-> Player goes this way = Instance goes this way -> at position of camera)
add(pInstance, pConfig, pX, pY, pMap) {
if (!pInstance) {
this.logger.prefix('Parallax-Module').error('No pInstance passed!');
if (pConfig instanceof Object) {
if (!this.instances.has(pInstance)) {
const x = typeof pX === 'number' ? pX : pInstance.x;
const y = typeof pY === 'number' ? pY : pInstance.y;
const map = typeof pMap === 'string' ? pMap : pInstance.mapName;
// Clone the parallax object
const parallaxInfo = { ...pConfig };
this.init(pInstance, parallaxInfo, x, y, map);
// Set the parallax info to the instance
this.instanceWeakMap.set(pInstance, parallaxInfo);
} else {
this.logger.prefix('Parallax-Module').error('No pConfig passed or invalid type found!');
* Initializes this instance.
* @param {Object} pInstance - The instance to initialize.
* @param {Object} pConfig - The parallax info that tells this module how to control this instance.
* @prop {number} pConfig.x - The x multiplier for this instance. Controls how fast or slow this instance moves. -Infinity to Infinity. 0 to move with camera.
* @prop {number} pConfig.y - The y multiplier for this instance. Controls how fast or slow this instance moves. -Infinity to Infinity. 0 to move with camera.
* @prop {boolean} pConfig.loop - Whether this instance will loop endlessly.
* @param {number} pX - The x position this parallax will start at.
* @param {number} pY - The y position this parallax will start at.
* @param {string} pMap - The map this instance will start at.
* @private
init(pInstance, pConfig, pX, pY, pMap) {
if (!VYLO) {
this.logger.prefix('Parallax-Module').error('VYLO not found! This module depends on the VYLO object being in the global name space.');
// If this instance is set to loop, then it needs a left and right clone
if (pConfig.loop) {
// Create a left and right clone
const left = VYLO.newDiob('MapObject');
const right = VYLO.newDiob('MapObject');
// Make the left and right clone particle look the same as the initial instance
// Force the renderer to render it, as if its placed offscreen its not rendered.
left.setPos(pX, pY, pMap);
right.setPos(pX, pY, pMap);
// Position the left clone
left.x = pX - pInstance.icon.width;
left.y = pY;
// Position the right clone
right.x = pX + pInstance.icon.width;
right.y = pY;
// Store the clones in a temporary array
const children = [left, right];
// Loop the clones and store their relative positions to the main instance
children.forEach((pChild) => {
pChild.relativeX = pChild.x - pX;
pChild.relativeY = pChild.y - pY;
// Do not mutate event if one is found. Call alongside it.
const oldRelocatedEvent = pInstance.onRelocated;
// When the main instance moves, move the clones with their relative position to it.
if (typeof oldRelocatedEvent === 'function') {
pInstance.onRelocated = (pX, pY) => {, pX, pY);
this.handleOnRelocated(pInstance, children);
} else {
pInstance.onRelocated = (pX, pY) => {
this.handleOnRelocated(pInstance, children);
const viewEye = VYLO.Client.getViewEye();
let lastCamX = 0;
let lastCamY = 0;
if (viewEye) {
lastCamX = viewEye.x;
lastCamY = viewEye.y;
this.lastCamPos.x = lastCamX;
this.lastCamPos.y = lastCamY;
pInstance.setPos(pX, pY, pMap);
* Removes an instance to the parallax system.
* @param {Object} pInstance - The instance to remove to the parallax system.
remove(pInstance) {
if (!pInstance) {
this.logger.prefix('Parallax-Module').error('No pInstance passed!');
if (this.instances.has(pInstance)) {
* Updates the parallax system.
* @param {number} pCameraX - The x position of the camera.
* @param {number} pCameraY - The y position of the camera.
update(pCameraX = 0, pCameraY = 0) {
// The camera's x position.
let cameraX = pCameraX;
// The camera's x position.
let cameraY = pCameraY;
this.instances.forEach((pInstance) => {
const parallaxInfo = this.instanceWeakMap.get(pInstance);
// Move the instance with the camera if the parallax is set to 0
const isBackgroundX = parallaxInfo.x === 0;
const isBackgroundY = parallaxInfo.y === 0;
// Position to set the instance to.
let x;
let y;
if (isBackgroundX) {
x = cameraX - pInstance.icon.width / 2;
} else {
let deltaX = cameraX - this.lastCamPos.x;
let distX = deltaX * parallaxInfo.x;
x = pInstance.x + distX;
if (isBackgroundY) {
y = cameraY - pInstance.icon.height / 2;
} else {
let deltaY = cameraY - this.lastCamPos.y;
let distY = deltaY * parallaxInfo.y;
y = pInstance.y + distY;
// Set the position
pInstance.x = x;
pInstance.y = y;
// Logic cannot be ran on background instances as they should not loop
if (!isBackgroundX && !isBackgroundY) {
if (parallaxInfo.loop) {
// The start pos + total width
const rightEnd = pInstance.x + pInstance.icon.width;
// The start pos - total width / 2
const leftEnd = pInstance.x - pInstance.icon.width / 6;
if (cameraX > rightEnd) {
pInstance.x += pInstance.icon.width;
} else if (cameraX < leftEnd) {
pInstance.x -= pInstance.icon.width;
this.lastCamPos.x = cameraX;
this.lastCamPos.y = cameraY;
* Handles the onRelocated event for instances. Moves their children in relativity to their position.
* @param {Diob | MapObject} pInstance - The instance to handle the event for.
* @param {MapObject[]} pChildren - An array of children belonging to the instance.
handleOnRelocated(pInstance, pChildren) {
// Update the children's position when the parent moves
pChildren.forEach((pChild) => {
pChild.x = pInstance.x + pChild.relativeX;
pChild.y = pInstance.y + pChild.relativeY;
pChild.mapName = pInstance.mapName;
const Parallax = new ParallaxSingleton();
export { Parallax };